However, you can find the pre-modified variant of this car which can be sold for a decent amount of $9,875.
This car is priced at $29,000, and you can sell it from the street for a price of $2,900. This is a muscle car based on the Ford Fairlane and the Buick Rivera. What makes Ruiner great for steal and sell: With a big profit and how easily this car is found, the Ruiner earns the number 10 spot on the list. One way to find the modded variant of this car is to drive around in a regular Ruiner and make your way to the Los Santos Custom, and if you are in luck you can stumble on the car parked there. The Ruiner has a modernized design with a unique look that makes it stand out from the other muscle cars in the game. For a car to sell this high in price without any money spent on it is a big deal, which makes it worth it to be on this list.
The car has a value of $10,000, but if you can find a modified variant off the street, you can sell it for a price of $9,675. This muscle car is based on the real-life Pontiac Trans Am and takes some inspiration from the Chevrolet Camaro. Kicking off this list is the Imponte Ruiner.